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OOB (Out Of Band) Management Technologies

Compute - Standards and specifications

  • DMTF Redfish
    DMTF’s Redfish® API is an open industry standard specification and schema that helps enable simple and secure management of modern scalable platform hardware. By specifying a RESTful interface and utilizing JSON and OData, Redfish helps customers integrate solutions within their existing tool chains. An aggressive development schedule is quickly advancing Redfish toward its goal of addressing all the components in the data center with a consistent API.

Compute - Tools

  • RackHD - Providing platform agnostic management and orchestration of physical hardware (License: Apache-2.0)
    RackHD is a technology stack created for enabling hardware management and orchestration, to provide cohesive APIs to enable automated infrastructure. In a Converged Infrastructure Platform (CIP) architecture, RackHD software provides hardware management and orchestration (M&O). It serves as an abstraction layer between other M&O layers and the underlying physical hardware. Developers can use the RackHD API to create a user interface that serves as single point of access for managing hardware services regardless of the specific hardware in place.

Storage - Standards and specifications

  • SNIA Swordfish
    The SNIA Swordfish™ specification helps to provide a unified approach for the management of storage and servers in hyperscale and cloud infrastructure environments, making it easier for IT administrators to integrate scalable solutions into their data centers. SNIA Swordfish is an extension of the DMTF Redfish specification, so the same easy-to-use RESTful interface is used, along with JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and Open Data Protocol (OData), to seamlessly manage storage equipment and storage services in addition to servers.
    SNIA Swordfish is designed to integrate with the technologies used in cloud data center environments and can be used to accomplish a broad range of storage management tasks from the simple to the advanced.

Storage - Tools