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Network virtualization technologies - SOFT
- OpenContrail
An open-source network virtualization platform for the cloud.
- Calico
Calico - A pure L3 approach to Virtual Networking for Highly scalable Data Centers
- OpenVNET
OpenVNet is what you would call a network hypervisor. It allows you to fully virtualize your network infrastructure and create any network topology that you have in mind.
OPNFV is a new open source project focused on accelerating NFV's evolution through an integrated, open platform.
- Zerotier
Network Virtualization Everywhere - Easy, Secure, Scalable, and Available on Almost Any Device
- midonet
Open-source network virtualization - MidoNet is an Apache licensed production grade network virtualization software for Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds
- Snaproute
OpenSnaproute - github
Developer Friendly and Operations Focused Network Protocol Stack that runs on all commoditized network hardware with any open linux operating system.
Network virtualization technologies - DOC