libcloud - One Interface To Rule Them All (License: Apache 2.0) (****)
- supported_providers
Apache Libcloud is a Python library which hides differences between different cloud provider APIs and allows you to manage different cloud resources through a unified and easy to use API -
fog - The Ruby cloud services library (License: MIT) (****)
- supported_services
Whether you need compute, dns, storage, or a multitude of other services, fog provides an accessible entry point and facilitates cross service compatibility. Just getting started working with cloud resources? You are not alone, and having so many complicated options makes it hard to know where to start. fog delivers the knowledge of cloud experts to you, helping you to bootstrap your cloud usage and guiding you as your own expertise develops. - (License: AGPL)
- providers helps you manage and monitor your virtual machines, across different clouds, using any device that can access the web. It is provided under the GNU AGPL v3.0 License. -
libcloud-php (License: MIT) (**)
PHP library for interacting with popular cloud service providers using a unified API for compute, dns, objectstorage and other resources. This project is inspired by the awesome Python library libcloud with the same name. We try to follow the design as closely as possible. We keep method names the same as the Python project, but updating it for PSR2 compliance. -
jclouds - The Java Multi-Cloud Toolkit (License: Apache 2.0) (**)
- providers
Apache jclouds is an open source multi-cloud toolkit for the Java platform that gives you the freedom to create applications that are portable across clouds while giving you full control to use cloud-specific features. -
pkgcloud (License: MIT)
- providers
pkgcloud is a standard library for node.js that abstracts away differences among multiple cloud providers. -
scalr - Cloud Management Software (License: Apache 2.0)
- pricing -
Cloud Infrastructure Management System (CIMS)
Poznámka: Sledovať vývoj, zatiaľ málo info. -
libvirt (License: LGPL)
- drivers
is a toolkit to manage virtualization hosts
is accessible from C, Python, Perl, Java and more - - Open-Source Microservice Hosting Platform (License: AGPL) is an open-source hosting platform for webhooks and microservices. The microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms. provides an easy way to create, host, and share microservices. Through developing many small re-usable microservices, you can reduce the complexity of your applications while improving stability. - seaclouds - Seamless Adaptive Multi-cloud Management of Service-based applications (License: Apache 2.0)
This framework, based on cloud standards, consists of an Application Management System over Clouds (AMSoC), which helps developers by making more efficient the design, development, planning and management of complex business applications across multiple and heterogeneous clouds, something unfeasible hitherto.